Primary and
Secondary Education

Stimulate students' interest in art learning

In primary education, the main objective of art education is to train students to express their feelings and perceive life through drawing, stimulate students' interest in art learning, and then develop their observational skills, imagination, creativity, and expressiveness.

Start drawing with ease

With simple, easy-to-use drawing software, the XPPen tablet requires neither paper nor a specific canvas,allowing students to draw and express their creativity freely with stylus and tablet. They may feel as natural as if they were drawing with a pencil or brush. Our Stylus also features an eraser at the end,letting students instantly modify or remove unwanted marks. Additional brushes and canvases support various visual effects so that students can genuinely create and express their ideas and visions with ease.

Start drawing with ease

With simple, easy-to-use drawing software, the XPPen tablet requires neither paper nor a specific canvas,allowing students to draw and express their creativity freely with stylus and tablet. They may feel as natural as if they were drawing with a pencil or brush. Our Stylus also features an eraser at the end,letting students instantly modify or remove unwanted marks. Additional brushes and canvases support various visual effects so that students can genuinely create and express their ideas and visions with ease.

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