How to upgrade Artist10S hardware code to the newest version

Applicable Model:Artist 10S

1. Uninstall your Artist 10S driver, along with any other tablet drivers on your computer. Reboot.

2. Close all programs. In your system tray on the bottom right of your screen, right-click on any non-necessary software icons and close the software. Be sure to close software such as OneDrive and Dropbox, in particular.

3. Connect the 10S to your computer and ensure that basic pen input is working correctly. Pressure will not be available.


4. Unzip/Extract the contents of the Artist10S upgrades code and driver folder, then open the newly created folder.

5. Double-click WinQC.exe.

6. Click Factory in the top-left corner, then click Open.

7. Click Yes.

8. Click Load.

9. Choose G10Pro-08s-v5543p4A.bin, then click Open.

10. Ensure that your Artist 10S is correctly connected to your computer and plugged into a wall outlet. Click Upgrade. Do not disconnect your USB or HDMI cables during the upgrade.

11. After the upgrade completes, click Okay.

12. Close the upgrade software.

13. Reboot your computer.

14. Close all background software once again. Open Artist10S upgrades code and driver >> Artist10S upgrades driver >> Windows Driver and run install.exe. Complete the installation as directed, then reboot once more.

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